Coach Evan

Hi! I’m Evan.

I started training in 2013 while I was studying engineering at USC. The more I got into health, the more I realized I loved helping others move and feel stronger too.

As a collegiate powerlifter, I tried many different methods of training and eating: CrossFit, “prisoner” workouts, and drinking a gallon of milk a day (hello farts).

I realized most fitness advice was irrelevant for people like you and me:

  • Most fitness programs are about making you tired, not actually getting results. Why does every group class have to be super competitive and make you puke? It’s really not necessary. On a side note: why does walking through every 24 hour gym feel like you’re back in high school?

  • Most nutrition advice is about restriction and dogma. “No, you can’t eat carbs of any kind. No, you can’t add milk to your coffee. No, you can’t eat at a restaurant ever. Eat ‘clean’ forever and wait until you’re 100… then you can enjoy life.” No thanks.

  • You don’t have to “go all in” and workout 6x/week to achieve results. It’s easy for an influencer who gets paid to look good to live in the gym. But like most people, you probably have a job, maybe even kids or a dog. You need something more realistic that still gets you amazing results.

  • Nobody was talking about holistic lifestyle changes. You can have the “perfect” workout… but still be burning out from work stress, poor sleep habits, or impulsive eating decisions. That’s because health is about more than exercise — it’s about your overall lifestyle.

I knew the fitness industry had to change, for people who wanted something different than what the mainstream industry was offering.

That’s why I started Rising Tide Fitness.

Certified To Build Healthier People


Strength is for everyone.

What I believe

Strength training is for everyone. You don’t have to be a meathead to enjoy lifting. Everyone needs to squat down to pick things up, place luggage in the overhead bin of a plane, and open that jar of pickles. Getting stronger makes everyday tasks easier and with less discomfort from things like back and joint pain.

You can eat whatever “diet” you want — but you have to understand energy balance. As an Asian American, I grew up around a lot of delicious food. A lot of the diets today make it seem like eating healthy is about eating bland food. But I’m telling you, you don’t have to! It starts with understanding what foods to eat to control our appetite.

Health at Many Sizes. Working in the industry, I’ve seen amazing bodies with extreme health problems. I’ve also seen larger bodies with amazing health and movement. Your ideal body composition is for you to decide. We shouldn’t shame obesity, while also not shaming those who want to make a change either.

Eat simply at first. Test the more complex later. Keto, Paleo, organic vs non-organic, intermittent fasting, MTC oil, juice cleanses… where are you supposed to start? I suggest starting with the basics — eat your veggies, consume enough protein, etc — and practice that for a few months. Though it isn’t as “sexy” as other branded diets, it’s scientific and it works.

Great health pays for itself. Think of the missed opportunities you’ve had in the past. Maybe you didn’t feel confident enough in your body to wear that dress to the party. Or you didn’t talk to that person because you were feeling self conscious about how you looked. Maybe it was as direct as you found yourself gasping for air going up one flight of stairs. These moments can be moments of triumph for you, instead of embarrassment.

A Healthy Life is lived outside of MyFitnessPal. Are you going to log food until the day you die? No. At a certain point, I want you to stop worrying about calories and how “healthy” anything you’re eating is. The greatest mistake I ever made was skipping cake at my own birthday.

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